Mickey's Kingdom Evansville, Indiana

Springtime Fun is in Full Bloom: 5 Free Family Activities in the Evansville Region

You can never have too much of a good Spring! The cold, dreary days are behind us, and it's time to spring into action! Warm, sunny days in the...

Stephanie Peckenpaugh

Stephanie's e-story: A Connected Community

On the north side of Evansville, there's a small oasis of community spirit and entrepreneurial energy. It's here that Stephanie Peckenpaugh, a...

Old Courthouse Sunset Evansville Indiana

Your Guide to the Most Instagrammable Spots in the Evansville Region

We live for Instagram-worthy spots. And they’re popping up all around the Evansville Region! These popular selfie backdrops are loved by residents,...

Melissa's e-story: Putting Down Roots

When Melissa Falconett left the Evansville Region 15+ years ago, she didn’t imagine returning, much less planting roots, but her passion for historic...

Diana's e-story: A Supportive City

In a world where borders often define our identities, Dr. Diana Rodriguez Quevedo's story stands as a testament to the power of resilience,...

Mo Hobgood

Mo's e-story: A Place for Everyone

Around here, we’re known for our Hoosier Hospitality, and Mo Hobgood lays it on thicker than your grandma’s cornbread. Mo is a visionary with a...

Jaimie's e-story: Living Small to Impact Big

We are convinced that Jaimie Sheth is a superhero in disguise. That’s the only *logical* way to explain how quickly she makes such a huge impact...

Dom Poggi

Dom's e-story: A Place for Opportunity

When Dominic Poggi moved to Evansville, he knew that something was missing… something never-before-seen in the Region… something that pairs flippers...

Annalisa's e-story: Something Good is Brewing

How many times a day do you think about quitting your job and opening a coffee shop? For Annalisa Thewis, it’s not just an empty threat, but a...

Ben Trockman e-story Evansville

Ben's e-story: Making a Difference

East side of Evansville born and raised, on the playground is where Ben Trockman spent most of his days. Whether that is completely accurate or not,...

Carmen's e-story: A Community for Life

Growing up in Evansville, Carmen Alford has found her niche here through the University of Evansville and an active group of friends in the city. As...

Brad's e-story: A Sense of Purpose

While other Purdue students were busy doing Fountain Runs during Boiler Gold Rush, Brad Niemeier was honing his entrepreneurial spirit by selling...

Stephanie's e-story: Community Within Community

As a newcomer to the Evansville Region, Dr. Stephanie Young has found her community within the community through her passion for running with the 812...

Zach Garcia

Zach's e-story: A City of Growth

Zach Garcia chose the Evansville Region to make an environmental impact. If you ask him, he’d say that he “has an environmental and ecological...

Abby's e-story: A Great Place to Be

If a rainbow was a person, Abby Murphy would be it. She’s vibrant, cheery, and colorful. A refraction of light that brings a smile to everyone she...

Kim's e-story: The Sound of Evansville

Everytime you see Kim Wren, you learn something new about her. She’s complex, yet incredibly relatable. Kim’s passionate about the community she...