Energ-e for Days!

Chris's e-story: A Setting for Success

Chris Johnson is a ball of energy. Literal Golden Retriever energy: always smiling, always ready to help, and always spreading unwavering positivity!

By day, you'll find Chris as the Talent Connection Manager at Ivy Tech, where he's like a career cupid, connecting students with golden opportunities. Then, after hours, he transforms into the wizard behind IGOTBOOM, LLC, sprinkling innovation dust wherever he goes! 

For Chris, Evansville possesses an ineffable charm that sets it apart. It's a feeling, an energy that envelopes the region. It could be the people, the experiences, or the places, but there's a magic that only those who've experienced it can truly understand.

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Unlike Any Other

“Although I've lived in other cities (Gainesville Florida, Bloomington Indiana) there's something special about Evansville that I cannot pinpoint. You either feel it or you don't.”



Learn more about Chris

Chris likens the Evansville Region to a coloring book - there are outlines, but the beauty lies in how you fill it in. It's a region where anyone can shape their destiny, make their mark, and stand out as a unique individual. 

Chris dreams big for the region. He envisions it as the place to be, not just in Indiana, but across the nation. And he's got some tricks up his sleeve to help make it happen!

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