E is for everyone stories

New Evansville Underwater Hockey Team Is Making Waves

Written by Hubspot User | Nov 8, 2023 1:00:00 PM

Yes, you read that right. Underwater hockey is the latest sports and fitness craze in Evansville, and it's easy to see why...

Underwater hockey: two words that you’d probably never guess go together. But Dominic Poggi is committed to making it a household term in the greater Evansville area. After moving from Chicago to Evansville in search of a place to set down roots with his family, Dominic seized the opportunity to expand the sports horizon for everyone. It’s been a welcome addition! Not only is it a beginner-friendly sport, it also comes with numerous health benefits that will have you coming back for more.

Learn more about underwater hockey and how you can benefit from joining the local team, the Evansville Penguins.