Tox Away Days
Proper management of hazardous household waste is important because careless management (e.g., pouring such waste down the drain, on the ground, into storm sewers or putting it out with the regular trash) can create significant environmental and public health hazards. Therefore, careful management of the disposal of hazardous household waste is important for all Indiana residents.
* Sat., March 23 - 8:00am-12:00pm - Civic Center parking lot (9th & Walnut Streets)
* Sat., Sept. 7 - 8:00am-12:00pm - Civic Center parking lot (9th & Walnut Streets)
Vanderburgh County Solid Waste Management District

Electronics Recycling Day
Saturday, April 13 - 8am - 12pm
C&I Electronics, 424 E Inglefield Rd
(NW corner of Hwy 41 N & Inglefield Rd, near the intersection just south of North High School)
Please note that the Spring event will be conducted in the parking lot at C&I Electronics. See address above. It will NOT be held in the parking lot near downtown as in the past.
During these recycling events, a variety of electronic materials will be accepted for recycling at no charge. The items will include, but are not limited to, computers and computer related equipment, laptops, printers, monitors, modems, scanners, TVs, DVD players, DVR devices, digital cameras and fax machines.
Copy machines and appliances, including microwaves, will not be accepted.
This program is for Vanderburgh County households only. Items from businesses will not be accepted.
Call the Vanderburgh County Solid Waste District at 812-436-7800 or visit https://evansville.in.gov/recycle

Paper Shredding Day
Spring Event: Friday, April 26, 2024 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Fall Event: Friday, September 13, 2024 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.
These events will be held at Wesselman Woods, 551 N. Boeke Road. The paper collection will take place at Shelter House #1, near the former golf course.
Drop off confidential or sensitive documents (up to 100 lbs.) to be shredded by Piranha Mobile Shredding at no charge. Shredding will occur off-site at Piranha Mobile Shredding facilities. Vanderburgh County residents only please.

Glass Drop Off
Glass Recycling Drop Off
212 NW Fourth St, Evansville IN 47708
Hosted every 2nd Saturday of each month at 9:00am-1:00pm
• Rinse glass
• No lids
• No candles
• Labels are ok
Be prepared to take your boxes or bags back with you, as you will dump the glass directly into the gaylords.
Still looking for places to take your items:
Good places to donate/give away used, but still good items that benefits parts of the community:
- Happy Tails Resale Shop - all proceeds go to the animals at VHS and the shop is ran by volunteers.
- Reuse Everything Evansville group - typical posts are items that would usually go to the landfill, but feel free to post other FREE stuff too! We want items to go to a good home instead of out pricing the community and being thrown out at thrift stores.
- Swap Til You Drop - women only facebook group. You can swap items you don’t want/need anymore for other items you do want or need. There are rules to be followed, but the women who run the group and others in it are very informative and helpful.
- Albion Fellows Bacon Center - On any given day, they have over 25 people in the domestic and sexual violence shelter. This includes women, men, children, and pets. If they can’t take it, they will direct you to another agency that has it on their list of needs.
- Mother Teresa’s Treasures in Newburgh - items go into their store and the store runs on volunteer help. Money goes toward the food pantry next door to it. Also they have a Fresh Start program and they accept household goods for people trying to get back on their feet
- Evansville Christian Life Center - they have a clothes bin outside. I don’t know the exact details, but I have heard that they will give out good condition interview style clothes to those in need. They will sale the other clothes for very cheap.
- YWCA Evansville in downtown Evansville- domestic violence/homeless shelter, youth programs, and transitional housing for women through drug court. Check their website for an updated list of items need. I have previously donated an older, working flip phone here.
- Free curb alert - post on Facebook marketplace with a general location. Placing text saying “read description” can help avoid as many messages. Someone will most likely pick it up within the day.